- Current MLA: None (riding to be contested for the first time in 2024)
- BC NDP: Terry Yung
- BC Greens: Dana-Lyn Mackenzie
- BC Conservatives: Melissa De Genova
- Description:
- If a candidate had run in this riding in 2020, the BC Liberals would have secured a five-point win over the BC NDP. With BC United’s collapse in provincewide polls, however, the riding has become a much less sure thing.
- Yaletown is most notable for its high concentration of condominiums—almost 90% of all housing in the riding fall under that category. Parties have found it incredibly difficult to canvass. Former MLA Sam Sullivan even talked about how he’d had more success just wheeling around Olympic Village with his dog to meet people.
- Cosmopolitan and fairly affluent, the riding is home to Vancouver’s up-and-coming movers and shakers in the business world. It skews much younger than the rest of the city as well, to say nothing of the province.
- In the 2022 municipal election, ABC dominated here with their blend of social liberalism and calls for law-and-order. The Yaletown consumption site is still a hot topic for debate, and public safety remains a top issue for residents of the riding. There exists strong potential for whoever claims the centre-right mantle in the riding to pose a challenge to whoever the BC NDP nominates.
- Former Vancover councillor Melissa de Genova was nominated by the BC Conservatives in July, while former Vancouver Police Department (VPD) officer Terry Yung is expected to be acclaimed as the BC NDP contender.
- Election 2020 Results (with 2024 boundaries):
- BC Liberals – 45%
- BC NDP – 40%
- BC Greens – 11%
- BC Conservatives – 2%
- Other – 1%
Hugh Chan is a second year student at UBC studying International Relations and Data Science. You can find more coverage of the 2024 BC election as well as politics across East Asia and the Anglosphere at https://x.com/shxnhugh.