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Collaborate, captivate, celebrate: Audiovisual pros offer show-stopping services

Proshow Audiovisual has staged more than 15,000 corporate events, offering outstanding experiences for audiences ranging from 10 to 10,000 people
Proshow Audiovisual offers an outstanding event experience at the highest level of service and quality.

Being a corporate event planner can be fraught with challenges and uncertainty at the best of times.

You’re faced with picking the ideal venue, landing on a theme that unites your team, or even selecting the appropriate dietary and beverage options – and it can be stressful.

What an event planner shouldn’t be stressing about? Complex audio visual system designs, whether or not their keynote speaker’s presentation will run smoothly or seemingly inevitable cost overruns.

This is where the veteran and professional team at Proshow Audiovisual takes over.

Whether you’re hosting an event for 10 or 10,000 people, the Proshow team blends the meticulous care of a boutique company with unmatched industry expertise and resources. With a fervent dedication to crafting captivating audio visual presentations that resonate with audiences, this is a company that prioritizes customer service and upholds strong values.

The Proshow team translates clients’ event visions into reality. Photo via: Proshow Audiovisual.

Quality content without compromise

“The audio visual industry is inherently complex and sometimes AV suppliers use the perceived complexity as a lever for unfair pricing practices. We’re approaching the industry a little differently,” explains Matt Hussack, CEO of Proshow Audiovisual. “We’re championing our people to be accountable and transparent with our customers. We deliver excellence in value and we celebrate the people who deliver that excellence.”

Established in the early 1990s, Proshow has staged roughly 15,000 events since its inception. The company’s client list is in the hundreds and it supports over 1,200 events annually at hotels, conference centres and other locales within Western Canada.

Proshow delivers an outstanding event experience at the highest level of service and quality – and they do it on budget, without hidden fees or surprise service charges.

Superior value

At Proshow, the planning team works hard to maximize the value of every dollar directed toward an event’s audio visual requirements. Working closely with their clients, the Proshow team finds creative ways to maximize production values to create the best possible event and deliver an experience that far exceeds the dollar value, all the while,  leaving nothing to chance.

“We create a package and proposal that takes everything into consideration so that the budget accurately reflects what an event needs,” Hussack explains. “We listen, we interpret, we collaborate, we create and we deliver.”

Proshow creates captivating audiovisual presentations that resonate with audiences. Photo via: Proshow Audiovisual.

Inventive creativity

The Proshow team translates clients’ event visions into reality. They listen, collaborate and engineer solutions, and then harness state-of-the-art technology to produce exceptional experiences that communicate messages and inspire audiences.

“We are like an interpreter for the technology so the client doesn’t have to know how any of it works,” Hussack explains. “This allows them to focus on their message, to focus on their guests and focus on the experience rather than having to worry about if the PowerPoint is going to work.”

Proshow’s people

Industry-leading expertise, an innovative spirit, relentless attention to detail and precise execution are the hallmarks of the company’s most valuable asset, the Proshow team. These are technicians who love what they do and are among the best in the business at delivering seamless audio, video, broadcast and webcasting services.

“We do right by our customers and we do right by our team,” Hussack says. “Experience has taught us that success follows when we put people first.”

To learn more about how Proshow can help take your next corporate event to the next level, visit