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Meet the tech team at the forefront of medical breakthroughs in B.C.

Amgen BC’s DTI team is breaking new ground to help groundbreaking scientific research
Timin Hadi, director of Digital Technologies & Innovations (DTI) at Amgen BC.

Timin Hadi sees a future where an inundated inbox sorts itself almost instantaneously, or where even the clumsiest of fingers operate a mobile phone with relative ease.

These may not seem like Earth-shattering advancements on the surface, but it’s this type of forward thinking that could enhance efficiencies for some of the world’s foremost scientists to focus on a bigger picture – in this case, creating and championing medication that can make a difference in people’s lives.

As Amgen British Columbia’s director of Digital Technologies & Innovations (DTI), Hadi oversees a team that is constantly developing best practices in the life sciences field, where the end goal is two-fold: expert problem solving and accelerating digital transformation.

“Whatever the problems are, I like solving problems,” Hadi says. “I think science gave me a good opportunity to hone that skill. You go and you get a problem, and as boring as the problem is, once it's yours to solve, it becomes interesting.”

Hadi is a pivotal part of an Amgen BC team that’s helping to build a local biotech and life science community in the province, while simultaneously advancing world-class Canadian research.

Positioned at the forefront of interdisciplinary research in the realms of immunology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, the Amgen research centre in Burnaby is committed to the discovery and development of pioneering medical treatments.

This field of crucial work is driven by an experienced, engaged, and diverse team that is highly immersed in the industry, excited to embrace challenges and connected to cutting edge academic research partners in Canada and internationally.

Hadi with members of the Digital Technologies & Innovations (DTI) team. Photo provided by Amgen BC

At its core, Hadi’s DTI team focuses on how to enable the science to progress more rapidly, or to enable new science to be turned online and leveraged in the discovery processes, in order to accelerate digital transformation and competitiveness.

This work is akin to navigating a large road map, where team members contribute to the drug discovery process by shaping how disparate parts fit together, how the scientists will use the data and how they're going to do that more efficiently.

“Science makes big leaps here and there at different points in time, but I think also technology around science also makes leaps – you have to figure out how to interweave that in there,” Hadi says. “I like trying to make things more efficient, and I think you get a really large opportunity to do that in a role like mine.”

Think of Hadi as the manager of a pro sports team – constantly evaluating how to get the best of everyone in the organization around him. 

It’s in this context that Hadi ensures that Amgen team members have the resources they need to continue to work at scientific advancement, while furthering growth within the company, the industry and in the community overall.

“We want to simultaneously make it easier to do experiments, but also reduce the number of experiments you have to run to get to the same drug that we need to do,” Hadi says. “If you could do both of those things, you can get the drugs faster, you can address more areas and I think you can do it more cost effectively too. That's what I think our team tries to enable.”

Discover more about Timin Hadi and his work at Amgen BC, visit

To learn more about other People of Amgen BC, read the profile stories on Desiree Lim and Chris Murawsky