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Editorial: Bring on better budget transparency

Editorial: Bring on better budget transparency

Getting technology decisions right remains a major challenge in both private and public sectors. See Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone fiasco for a private-sector example.
10-point to-do list for city government’s remaining two-year mandate

10-point to-do list for city government’s remaining two-year mandate

While the October 19 anniversary of Justin Trudeau’s election will be noted, there is another election date to bear in mind the following day, October 20. Two years hence, we face a municipal election.
Editorial: Any solutions in municipal resolutions?

Editorial: Any solutions in municipal resolutions?

Resolutions are too often long on rhetoric and short on resolve. So the annual high tide of proposed/forwarded/tabled resolutions that accompanied the recent Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conference in Victoria is more wish list than to-do list.
High time to raise social media platforms’ accountability quotient

High time to raise social media platforms’ accountability quotient

Many of us have probably regretted something we posted on Facebook – or had posted about us – but how many of us have ever thought about suing this powerful social media company? A 14-year-old Northern Ireland girl is doing just that.
LNG poses little environmental threat to B.C. shipping lanes

LNG poses little environmental threat to B.C. shipping lanes

In July, the United States forged ahead of B.C. with the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export cargo from the Sabine Pass LNG Terminal on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Trudeau’s actions on energy will define his leadership style

Trudeau’s actions on energy will define his leadership style

It's not as if the photo opportunities will disappear. Witness Prince George and his all-too-picturesque parents. It’s not as if the bromide-laden speeches will vaporize.
Editorial: Global fraud business is booming

Editorial: Global fraud business is booming

Business has never been better in the world of fraud, flim-flam and chicanery. The Internet and mobile technology are helping see to that.
Editorial: Energy industry overhaul underway

Editorial: Energy industry overhaul underway

Renewables meet energy realities in a recent International Energy Agency (IEA) report. For anyone championing the renewable energy agenda, there is more light on the horizon; for energy realists, there’s a lot of business as usual.
Editorial: Carbon tax cultivating bitter harvest

Editorial: Carbon tax cultivating bitter harvest

Carbon tax economic realities could dampen the provincial government’s late summer harvest of upbeat agriculture industry news. Recent numbers show 2015 sales of food grown in B.C.
Editorial: Container shipping distress signals

Editorial: Container shipping distress signals

The waves of financial distress stemming from Hanjin Shipping’s potential sinking threaten to extend up and down B.C.’s coast.