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Vancouver engineer joins UN disaster-mitigation effort

Vancouver engineer joins UN disaster-mitigation effort

The Weir-Jones Group, a Vancouver engineering firm specializing in early detection systems for earthquakes, landslides and oil and gas pipeline leaks, has joined the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership.
Pacific Carbon Trust slammed in hotly anticipated Auditor General report

Pacific Carbon Trust slammed in hotly anticipated Auditor General report

The Pacific Carbon Trust leaked confidential information while being audited and spent $6 million of public money on two large carbon-reduction projects that fail the government's own additionality test, Auditor General John Doyle concludes in his much-anticipated audit of B.C.'s carbon neutral government.
Carbon offsets at boiling point as AG report remains under wraps

Carbon offsets at boiling point as AG report remains under wraps

A potentially damning report by the auditor general on the provincial government's controversial carbon-neutrality policies is being withheld from the public, pending a probe into a breach of parliamentary procedure.
Land-based oil-spill prevention symposium begins today

Land-based oil-spill prevention symposium begins today

Approximately 200 people are participating in a symposium today through Wednesday to help develop a world-leading land-based spill prevention and response regime for B.C.
First Nations group releases anti-pipeline commercial

First Nations group releases anti-pipeline commercial

Coastal First Nations have fired back at Enbridge’s Northern Gateway media campaign with a two-minute video.
Vancouver crowned Earth Hour world champion

Vancouver crowned Earth Hour world champion

After going through a rigorous selection process that lasted several months, Vancouver was today named Global Earth Hour Capital 2013 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) at a ceremony in Malmo, Sweden.
Victoria, Ottawa ink single environmental review agreement

Victoria, Ottawa ink single environmental review agreement

Two new coal mines proposed for Hudson’s Hope and Chetwynd could be the first projects in B.C. to get an environmental review by the province alone, rather than both the provincial and federal governments.
Green seafood processing plant in Richmond opens

Green seafood processing plant in Richmond opens

A fish processing plant in Richmond that is the first to be built under the city’s green roof design guidelines has begun operations, the company announced this week.
Environmental groups want tax hikes to fund climate-change solutions

Environmental groups want tax hikes to fund climate-change solutions

Leading environmental groups are urging the B.C. government to raise gasoline taxes, tweak the carbon tax and close tax loopholes to get more revenue out of industrial polluters as a way to generate $1 billion annually and create what they call the Better Future Fund.

Engineering report: Engineering creates opportunity from waste

If trash disposal is going to be made cheaper and more sustainable, engineering entrepreneurs need to first provide proof of concept before these solutions will be employed on a large scale