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Eco labels benefit food-service sector

Eco labels benefit food-service sector

Green Table and Ocean Wise offer restaurants and caterers a framework in which they can grow their green side
Renewable energy report bullish on run of river

Renewable energy report bullish on run of river

A new report co-authored by B.C. energy guru Mark Jaccard supports run-of-river energy as the best way to address B.C.’s growing energy needs, albeit with some provisos.
Waste incinerator must pass review

Waste incinerator must pass review

While it may seem like a no-brainer that a proposed garbage incinerator would have to meet air pollution controls, the B.C.
Women’s sustainability efforts honoured

Women’s sustainability efforts honoured

Entrepreneur Susanna Carson was inspired when she learned food-service trays could be made out of animal fodder

Twenty years: what has changed?

In 1992, representatives from around the world gathered in Rio de Janeiro for the United Nations Summit on Environment and Development. The "Earth Summit" considered issues such as toxic waste, alternative energy, and water scarcity; it was one of first global gatherings to ponder human life on the planet in the context of finite resources and interdependent interests.

Green roofs sprout on big boxes

New materials may offer advantages but also elicit concerns about safety and long-term maintenance
When the rubber hits the road

When the rubber hits the road

Spurred by the voluntary efforts of local retailers, bike tire recycling is growing in British Columbia

B.C.’s carbon plan in neutral

Environment minister reconsidering scheme that forces school boards to subsidize the green initiatives of large B.C. polluters as Victoria taken to task over carbon-neutral policy