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Human Resources & Education

Outward bound: B.C. brain drain flows east

Outward bound: B.C. brain drain flows east

Gap between salaries and cost of living resulting in the province losing more interprovincial migrants than it's gaining for the first time in nearly a decade
Victoria appoints expert to settle teachers' dispute

Victoria appoints expert to settle teachers' dispute

Victoria has instructed a senior public servant to probe the contract dispute between the BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers' Association (BCPSEA) and determine whether a settlement is possible.

How to eliminate poor performance

Your sales team has underperformed, and its sales results are several months underwater, too. You want to keep the team intact, but it's chronically underperforming. What needs to be done is obvious. Doing it is the tough part.

Talent search 2012 intensifies

A job boom in B.C.’s shipbuilding, mining and resource sectors coupled with baby boomer retirements means B.C. could soon need more workers than ever

Guiding principals

Leadership seen as the ability to empower people to achieve goals

Be flexible, communicate to curb burnout

Human resources teams face constant challenge to ensure employees know what support is available and how to access it

Five keys to managing generation Y

You’d think we were grumpy old men. Recently I had lunch with a number of IT leaders, and several people were bemoaning the challenges they’re having with some of their younger staff members. The complaining was ironic, as none of us are old men (yet). One thing was clear however: managing the generation of instant gratification (gen-Yers, millenials) requires a different set of strategies.

Women at the top: What should large organizations be aware of when it comes to increasing female presence in senior-level positions?

Senior-level executives have the ability to be great leaders in any organization that creates an environment in which they can succeed. It’s important to realize, however, that women typically bring leadership styles that are different from those of their male counterparts.

Devaluing retirement dreams

The financial burden of company pensions has forced some of B.C.’s biggest companies to switch to options perceived to be less expensive
Former PM pushing social enterprise to tap First Nations human resources

Former PM pushing social enterprise to tap First Nations human resources

Paul Martin’s private equity fund helping underwrite aboriginal business initiatives