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Bridge ups competitive development ante south of the Fraser

Making changes

Metro’s economy riding on TransLink funding referendum

While car congestion costs are consistently assessed and circulated, the costs of transit congestion are rarely measured and never discussed

Overexposed and overshared: Going private in public and the new desire to disconnect

Kit Kat in Amsterdam created a Wi-Fi-free zone by blocking signals in a five-metre radius around a bench that invited people to “take a break,” and, of course, have a Kit Kat
Life Lessons: Claire Lamont

Life Lessons: Claire Lamont

Don't confuse your firm's key message

E-technology hollowing out human contact and promoting ascendancy of faceless geekocracy

Some day, maybe not all that distant, dissenters will be punished by taking away their technology and leaving them alone in the cybernetic desert
How I did it: Lisa Fraser

How I did it: Lisa Fraser

Embracing business success with an inflatable vest that calms people with autism
Ted Seraphim: Saw bucks

Ted Seraphim: Saw bucks

With Ted Seraphim at the helm, West Fraser Timber has come out of a depressed lumber market stronger than ever and positioned for growth, especially outside of B.C.
Advertising: short-term brilliance or long-term strategy?

Advertising: short-term brilliance or long-term strategy?

Imagine that you are an established company who creates a product that is valued by consumers. You devote a $50,000 advertising budget to boosting your market presence – but your revenue doesn't change. Who's to blame? The magazines for misrepresenting their readership? The radio stations for exaggerating their audience? The agency for not being "clever" enough? Let's look at a few places where this process can (and often does) go wrong.

Batteries floating Campion Marine’s green energy boat

In BIV’s Top 100 paid executives report, reporter Richard Chu cites Strandberg Consulting’s study that found that only 34 of the TSX 60 companies mentioned sustainability as a factor in their executive pay packages.

Employers and employees can’t afford to lose the TransLink referendum

TransLink’s plans for the coming 15 years need to be clarified, prioritized and reduced to basic issues