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Group of seven struggles with pine beetle aftermath

The industry's biggest concern is the domino effect of changing regulations in one forest district and not others
Jason Dowdeswell: Winning picture

Jason Dowdeswell: Winning picture

Visual effects master Jason Dowdeswell, the new head of Digital Domain, has returned from L.A. to drive the growth of his company and the local VFX industry

Think before you give: Four hard questions to ask yourself about your charitable intentions

The same attention should be given to philanthropy as is given to one’s business
Golf course profits under the microscope as city seeks cash; Hotel Georgia developer romances Sotheby’s International

Golf course profits under the microscope as city seeks cash; Hotel Georgia developer romances Sotheby’s International

Fore! profit

Lazy, clichéd marketing vs strong, honest branding

Lazy marketers use common cliches and sloppy, meaningless, or even misleading statements in building their brands.

How Ottawa can revitalize Canada’s venture capital market

We need to pull our socks up in B.C. if we want to build tomorrow’s technology future in B.C.

It might pain Liberal backers, but B.C. needs February vacation day

The BC Liberals’ biggest backer – B.C.’s corporate sector – is not exactly a “family-friendly” group these days

Vancouver’s fall from grace in city livability race

Any respectable mid-sized city with nine months of rain, ringed by tall mountains and interrupted by steep hills has no illusion that bicycles have more than a very limited transportation function
Janet Holder: In the pipeline

Janet Holder: In the pipeline

A 20-year Enbridge veteran, Janet Holder has the unenviable task of ensuring the company’s controversial $5.5 billion pipeline gets built

Some fitting new city hall attire: politicians’ sponsorship suits

Why should public recognition for donations in the public interest be limited to stadiums, universities or concession stands?