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Jim Sinclair’s BC Fed re-election could help redress labour relations’ balance of power in B.C.

Although union membership still carries a significant financial benefit … union density continues to decline

Successful company succession planning starts early

The Family Firm Institute says that 70% of family businesses will not survive into the second generation and 90% won’t make it to the third

Housing starts rebound, keep pace with population growth; tracking high tide of negative numbers in Metro Vancouver

Housing starts rebound
Bill Tam: Starting pitcher

Bill Tam: Starting pitcher

BCTIA boss is here to help Vancouver's tech sector give birth to billion-dollar babies

How to prepare your business for 2013’s Internet domain landrush

The more successful the business and the more competition, the higher the risk someone will come after those domains
How I did it: Reggie Milligan

How I did it: Reggie Milligan

Young chef burns out but returns with new foodie business

More with Les on the global climate change front

To John Les, MLA, Victoria.

The problem with aboriginal reserves starts with the reserves themselves

How politics is conducted on reserves across Canada and how tax dollars are spent are only part of the problem for reserve residents
Life Lessons: David Notte

Life Lessons: David Notte

The founder of Wolfgang Commercial Painters discusses how letting go to grow is a continual process

Leadership best practices #6: How to show you care about your team

As a high-performing leader, you need to continually increase your interpersonal and professional relationships to accomplish more with less. To be such a leader, you must be expert in ensuring that all those involved with your business know you care for their wellbeing.