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Importer sues feds over 800 “prohibited” rifles

Importer sues feds over 800 “prohibited” rifles

North Vancouver-based Disco-Tech Industries Inc. has filed suit against the Attorney General of Canada, alleging that the company has suffered losses after an alleged last-minute rule change barred the import of 800 rifles.

Fraser Valley's largest city set to outpace Metro Vancouver

Most Vancouverites might think of Abbotsford primarily for its agriculture and airshow, but the Fraser Valley's largest city is poised to outgrow Metro Vancouver in several respects over the next few years.
Bootcamps to help firms cash in on B.C.'s $60b northern bonanza

Bootcamps to help firms cash in on B.C.'s $60b northern bonanza

Northern B.C. is expecting $60 billion worth of investment in the coming years, according to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT), and it is urging B.C.
Securities Commission fines Kelowna portfolio manager

Securities Commission fines Kelowna portfolio manager

A portfolio manager has agreed to pay $12,000 to the BC Securities Commission (BCSC) as part of a settlement agreement, the regulator has announced. According to the BCSC, Trevor Kilburn and Kilburn Ogilvie Waymann Investment Ltd.
Auditor General slams legislative assembly’s accounting

Auditor General slams legislative assembly’s accounting

B.C. Auditor General John Doyle has issued a scathing report that essentially orders the B.C. Legislative Assembly to get its books in order.
Scotiabank Commodity Price Index retreats in June, steadies in July

Scotiabank Commodity Price Index retreats in June, steadies in July

Scotiabank’s Commodity Price Index (CPI) dropped by a sharp 3.7% month-over-month in June, the seventh consecutive monthly decline.
B.C. freezes wages, eliminates bonuses and perks at Crown corporations

B.C. freezes wages, eliminates bonuses and perks at Crown corporations

Yesterday, the B.C. government made steps to curb executive compensation in Crown corporations with the establishment of a new policy that includes wage freezes and limitations on perks.
Richmond company fined $100K for tax evasion software

Richmond company fined $100K for tax evasion software

Nelson Bennett
Richmond city planner tapped by Vancouver

Richmond city planner tapped by Vancouver

The City of Vancouver did not need to look far to find a replacement for Brent Toderian, the city planner fired six months ago.
B.C. doctors sign four-year contract with province

B.C. doctors sign four-year contract with province

B.C.’s doctors have voted in favour of a new four-year agreement with the provincial government, although critical issues of compensation and program funding have not been settled beyond two years. The agreement gives B.C.