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Effective organizational strategies and other Harvard insights

In the past month, I have had two unique opportunities: the first was to spend a few days in Boston with one of my clients and Frances Frei from Harvard; the second was a fireside chat with some fellow CEOs and author Malcolm Gladwell (Tipping Point, Outliers, What the Dog Saw). There were some great strategic nuggets interwoven into both conversations, and I want to share with you what I learned.

Hard lessons loom in fight for foreign students’ dollars

Would B.C.’s forest sector allow a few rogue companies to put the sector’s global reputation on the line by shaking down Asian customers with sky-high prices for shoddy product?
Stuart McLaughlin: Mountain man

Stuart McLaughlin: Mountain man

The McLaughlin family owns 1,210 acres and leases 130 more acres on Grouse Mountain even as it has whittled down real estate holdings at Burns Bog from 5,500 acres decades ago to 513 acres today

The eyes have it: another health-care nightmare

This being a business paper, I will mention that I don�t fear death, anyway not as much as I fear getting into the hands of the Old Folks Industry.
Trouble in paradise: investor storm brews over proposed Hawaiian legislation; Vancouver Airport Authority pushing for international trade zone

Trouble in paradise: investor storm brews over proposed Hawaiian legislation; Vancouver Airport Authority pushing for international trade zone

Tropical storm
Jill Leversage

Jill Leversage

Jill Leversage credits a strong sense of honesty and fairness for her impact on people and business
Kari Yuers

Kari Yuers

Kari Yuers championed innovation in the construction industry 20 years ago and continues to seek out new ways of doing things as she looks to the future
Launi Skinner

Launi Skinner

First West’s Launi Skinner moved on from successful career at Starbucks to take control of her own professional destiny

B.C.’s immigrant enterprise heritage

Vancouver is more a city of immigrants and outsiders than any other city in Canada. In Metro Vancouver, only 41% of residents were born in B.C.; in the City of Vancouver, that drops to one out of three. This information comes from Andy Yan, the unstoppable researcher hammering away at vital civic topics on behalf of Bing Thom Architects, as reported in the Vancouver Observer.

Analyzing the increasing utility of Android smartphones

While Apple fans line up at dawn the day of an iPhone model launch, competing smartphones running Google�s Android system have quietly gained features and market share.