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Developers get hip to new hotel opportunities; Robson Street heritage property overhauled

Developers get hip to new hotel opportunities; Robson Street heritage property overhauled

Retro hotels

Municipal labour relations headed for December showdown

Metro Vancouver municipalities are headed into uncharted waters in December as the contracts for more than 10,000 unionized employees expire.
Resurrecting sports excellence in Burnaby; Canadian hoops stars heading north in NCAA event

Resurrecting sports excellence in Burnaby; Canadian hoops stars heading north in NCAA event

There are comeback stories in sports and in the business of sports.

Early trademark initiatives can trump brand trouble later

One of the most vexing issues facing new companies or product developers is whether to protect their brands with trademark registration.

A credit crisis in your pocket

Sorry to intrude on your post-summer reveries, but there’s another credit grenade being rolled under your chair.

Time for some long-term views on short-term market panic

The world’s capital markets have undergone incredible volatility in recent months.

New entries in smartphone market offer more iPhone options

Confused by choices in smartphones? You’re not alone.

Richard Day and Diana Douglas : Book value

How to: Survive 40 years in the publishing industry; Diana Douglas and Richard Day celebrating the 40th anniversary of Self-Counsel Press in one of the book publishing business’ most challenging eras

How we can eliminate local income inequality

Last week I wrote about how income disparity in Canada is on the upswing, now growing faster here than in the U.S. Growing in parallel with that gap – due to that gap, according to some compelling research ( – are rates of mental illness, drug abuse, incarceration, obesity, low education, declining health and social immobility.

$13 million resort might yield only $3 million in court-ordered sale; Credit Suisse unveils plans for 30-storey tower in city's business district

Malahat dealing