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Editorial: Real estate’s transparent problem

Editorial: Real estate’s transparent problem

Here’s a window of opportunity in the Metro Vancouver real estate market that needs closing: ownership anonymity.
CETA set to radically redraw Canada’s dairy industry landscape

CETA set to radically redraw Canada’s dairy industry landscape

Canada's cheese processing sector faces some dramatic changes. We’ll soon find out who gets to import tasty, inexpensive European cheese under the newly ratified Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union.
Supply shortage at the heart of city’s affordable housing crisis

Supply shortage at the heart of city’s affordable housing crisis

Does the city have enough zoned land, and if so, why do prices keep increasing? Should we rezone more land along transit lines? Affordability or price is the result of the interaction between supply and demand.
Inane election promises threaten urban mobility initiatives

Inane election promises threaten urban mobility initiatives

Even before the writ had dropped, the crazy promises were out in full blossom – stunning in their vote-getting beauty, devastating in their long-term impact.
Empty promises, failed strategy – city hall’s homelessness legacy

Empty promises, failed strategy – city hall’s homelessness legacy

Of all his misspeaks – and there are not enough pages in the paper or elements on the home page to tabulate them – the cruellest one was the mayor’s conceit as he assumed power in 2008 that he would end street homelessness by 2015.
Income tax rates: Canada’s growing competitive disadvantage

Income tax rates: Canada’s growing competitive disadvantage

Among all advanced economies, Canada imposes one of the heaviest income tax burdens on highly skilled people The federal budget presented last month offered a timely reminder of something that many Canadians might not realize: a huge slice of Ottawa’
Lessons in damage control reaped from United Airlines PR disaster

Lessons in damage control reaped from United Airlines PR disaster

If United Airlines’ CEO didn’t know this before, he does now: crisis response can break a company’s bottom line.
Handicapping B.C. provincial party prospects out of the gate

Handicapping B.C. provincial party prospects out of the gate

So, where are we in British Columbia as the campaign starts? There are certainly pockets of concern for the ruling party In the past two years, two long-standing governing dynasties in western Canadian provinces came to an end.
Thorp case illustrates the low spark of high-heeled job requirements

Thorp case illustrates the low spark of high-heeled job requirements

Much ado has been made about the new rules that say employers can’t require women to wear high heels at work.
Editorial: Deal could heal internal trade disorder

Editorial: Deal could heal internal trade disorder

Back-slapping among provincial trade ministers aside, meaningful congratulations for the recently announced Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) will have to wait until internal trade barriers are really removed in this country.