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Editorial: A disappointing head office harvest

Editorial: A disappointing head office harvest

B.C.’s success in cultivating economic diversity is Step 1 in securing a robust fiscal future for the province. Step 2 is building intensity: a concentration of industry and innovation to establish more than a startup culture.
Britain’s long Brexit goodbye; more B.C.-U.K. sport connections

Britain’s long Brexit goodbye; more B.C.-U.K. sport connections

What is clear is that the U.K. will no longer be a member of the single market or customs union. What is not clear is the future of the four freedoms: movement of people, capital, goods and services Brexit: the breakup begins The U.K.
Affordable power or Site C power: British Columbians must choose

Affordable power or Site C power: British Columbians must choose

BC Hydro’s Site C project has operated on the principle that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Non-governance has city on collision course with peak pot problem

Non-governance has city on collision course with peak pot problem

The legislation is soon upon us. Regulation is to come. Legalization beckons. Meantime, the unsanctioned annual 4/20 smoke-in/smoke-out is Game On. We get it. We aren’t stuck in the 19th century. We are stuck, though.
Canada needs to stop trying to expand its economy on a hunch

Canada needs to stop trying to expand its economy on a hunch

Canada can’t expect to improve its economic growth without a better understanding of who is responsible for growth.
Word of mouth is marketing’s way of the future in a digital world

Word of mouth is marketing’s way of the future in a digital world

According to bestselling author Seth Godin, the secret to marketing is no secret at all: “word of mouth is all that matters.” Godin defines marketing as “the art of making something that people want to talk about.
Editorial: Weighing BC Hydro’s balance of power

Editorial: Weighing BC Hydro’s balance of power

The province’s Crown energy corporation is juggling a difficult balance of power: promoting energy conservation while defending its case for sinking billions into the Site C dam project and the capacity it will add to B.C.’s power grid.
A game plan for protecting personal assets from a business failure

A game plan for protecting personal assets from a business failure

Invest in RRSPs or other vehicles that are “judgment-proof.” If the worst happens you still have retirement funds The advice in this column is easy to put into place and will offer protection for personal assets in the case of a business failure.
People, corporate culture are fundamental to an M&A’s success

People, corporate culture are fundamental to an M&A’s success

There has been much ink spilled on the topic of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions.
Excerpts from your new glossary guide to city-hall-speak

Excerpts from your new glossary guide to city-hall-speak

I love reading, and a most interesting title recently arrived on my desk. I’d like to share some excerpts now. It’s called the City of Vancouver Language and Terminology Guide, Vol. 2017.